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Oh, and in response to the comments "you'd think the kids woulda learnt" and "I bet his kids are well-behaved"... This is one thing that I will never understand... Apparently, the mother pleaded to give him a lighter sentence though. y r all porn stars blonde and look lyk barbie jeez dnt they hae a life or r dey lyk da losers dat watch dis PERVERTS Still, it wouldn't do to give up on "Cupid" after only one episode. Is this better than Sampras vs. Yeah, and they sure as hell didn't act out at Applebee's either. I like vaginas too. All the smart people are watching porn movies? with nud wow.. people are putting would scare the shit out of me 6| 7| 5|

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For the ps3 I prefer Yellow Dog linux over ubuntu. This isn't so much a victory for Nadal as a disappointment for those who saw Federer's former potential. ahhaaha awesome :D That's what's so sad about this world. I like sports where things actually happen. yet again positive discrimination.. He should have used the exploding collars like they had in The Running Man. Its cases like this where i believe the most fitting punishment would be for him to experience the same treatment. Can't wait to see what the guys at the state pen are gonna have to say about this. The only alternative way to see her without her clothes on is to go look under the name Carly at LOL, nice. I was expecting a Cracked-eque sarky article. qa| 2| 9|

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*Looks around shiftily* legally downloaded motion picture material directly. I LOL'd a little. So, he should have used a Tazer? she starts barking. That it was awesome. xD The only thing that separates them is the drive. I hope Federer bounces back from this loss. When a cat sees an image on a screen and takes it for real. Wow something called the ***** would really be a pisser. I put on my robe and wizard hat... De todos estos coches. Time to kick these feminists out of planet earth.. 7898 umj 54546